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Setting up ADFS Login in AWS with Windows Server 2012

aws adfs windows ad identity-provider iam
DevOps Engineer based in London
  • Create a new Windows Server 2012 instance and install the following Roles and Features:

    • DNS
    • ADFS
    • AD
  • Promote the server to a Domain Controller and create a new forest. I named mine

  • Follow a tutorial (such as this one: to configure ADFS.

  • You can skip the process of generating the certificate in those tutorial, as it can be self-signed and needs to be in PFX format for ADFS to use it.

  • If you only have an OpenSSH key and certificate, you can convert it to PFX format using the following command:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey -in -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -nomac

  • Then, copy the resulting PFX file to the Windows server, double-click it, and start the import process. Once it’s imported, the certificate should be shown in the ADFS Wizard.

  • In Active Directory, create a new user (I named mine tsek) and include their email address (which is a required field for the RoleSessionName).

  • Create a group called AWS-437735673474-ADFS-Admin (replace 437735673474 with your actual AWS account ID and ADFS-Admin with the name of the IAM role you want to assume in AWS).

  • Add the tsek user to the AWS-437735673474-ADFS-Admin group.

  • Follow the tutorial at to set up a relay party trust on ADFS and add claim rules.

  • In AWS IAM, add an identity provider and set the IAM role to “ADFS-Admin”.

  • Use the ADFS login page ( to log in to AWS using your AD credentials.