RDS Read Replica#
- cross AZ: OK
- cross region: OK
- promote / point-in-time recovery / restore from snapshot will create a new db instance which is not in my expectation. When DR, user need to update dns / db endpoint in application
Pros over non-aurora rds#
- read replica auto scaling
- failover (failover master to read replica in same region)
- multi-az by default
- endpoint for writer and reader instance (also custom endpoint)
Cons in aurora#
Bad integration in cross-region read replica#
For example:
- Region1: master, read-replica
- Region2: master, read-replica
The replication between the multi region db clusters is:
- master-slave replication between region1 master and read-replica
- master-slave replication between region2 master and read-replica
- master-slave replication between region1 master and region2 master
When write record to region1 master, the record will be replicated to
- region1 read-replica (by region1 master)
- region2 master (by region1 master)
- region2 read-replica (by region2 master)
When writing a record to region2 master, the record will only be synchronised to region2 read-replica.
And both region1 and region2 masters are writables!!!
AWS “assume” people will use the region2 cluster as a readonly database.
This is not mentioned in aws doc. I found the answer from aws:repost instead.
- when create a cross-region read-replica, it will create another db cluster in the new region
- you cannot see the cross-region db in the same aws console
- endpoint cannot cross region, only within the region
- need to manually set binlog_format in the parameter group to before creating the read replica
- need to manually set read_only true in the parameter group at second region db cluster to prevent its writer instance from writable by other
- endpoint writer / reader instance depends on role so the writer endpoint in second region is incorrect and should be not used
- route53 + latency based routing policy will need to be set up to route both reader endpoints to utilise those read-replicas. but the reader endpoint does not include the master. if you want to utilise the second region master, You need to create a custom endpoint for this
So AWS created Aurora Global Database to solve these drawbacks. But it does not support on small db instance type!
aurora serverless#
- scale up quickly (v1: 1min, v2: immediately)
- scale down quickly (v1: 15min, v2: 1min)
- save cost - can scale down to 0 when no active traffic
- MySQL & PostgreSQL compatible
- no need to manage the cluster
- price 30% higher than same power’s ec2 instance
- cannot cross-region
- no public access