config aggregator#
aggreagate all account under organization#
enable service role in organization
set up iam with
- viewing the organization
service role give access for the config resource
additional iam right to view accounts in organization
from management account or delegated admin to use this option
aggreagate specfic account#
- authorization
cfn stackset#
add stack to stackset = deploy stack delete stack from stackset = delete the stack
use managed service mode enable service role in organization change choose account in organization
other discount#
use iam service role
administrator role: from ac
- trust cloudwatch
- can assume as execute role
executor role: to ac
- trust admintrator ac
- have access to create resource
for example
- Raphael = Cloudformation
- Wayne = Administrator (trust Cloudformation)
- Hugo = Executor (trust Adminstrator)
that will be
- Wayne trust Raphael
- Hugo trust Wayne
- Hugo can do the job
- Wayne can use Hugo
Wayne ask Raphael to ask Hugo to do the job = admin ac let cloudformation to assume hugo’s right to create resource in hugo account