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Understanding TLS Passthrough and Other Features of AWS NLB

cloud aws devops alb tls nlb
DevOps Engineer based in London
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TLS Passthrough with AWS NLB

To setup TLS passthrough with NLB, follow these steps:

  • Listen: TCP - can be 80 or 443
  • Target: TCP - 443
  • Backend: HTTPS on 443

Here are some interesting features of NLB:

  1. Proxy Protocol v2
    • TCP
    • Adds a binary header before the HTTP payload
    • Provides the information about the client like X-Forward-For in ALB
    • To enable Proxy Protocol v2, the target server has to understand the protocol
    • Health check has to be TCP as well
    • Nginx can listen to Proxy Protocol v2 - config available
    • The backend is a simple HTTP server -> it can see the X-Forward-To headers that were passed in the request
  2. No security group policy on NLB
  3. Health check
    • HTTPS: 443 with invalid cert -> OK
    • HTTP: if HTTP redirect to HTTPS was set up, the health check status will be 301
    • Can check the health check request in the server access log
    • If 400 - wrong protocol. H2 or sending HTTPS to HTTP port
    • If no request comes in - security group blocked - in ALB or EC2
    • Can shorten the health threshold and interval to speed up the health check initially
  4. Preserve client IP addresses
    • Can preserve client IP. In PHP, the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] will change to the client’s IP
  5. Zone level load balancing
    • By default, NLB load balances within the zone
    • Imagine that the NLB is a group of EC2 in different zones. The CNAME has to return multiple IPs to each EC2
    • The route algorithm is affected on the load balancer EC2 zone itself. Not cross-zone, but ALB is cross-zone by default