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AWS EKS Workshop

workshop aws eks

Day1 #


Setup #


Tasks #


Notes #

There are 2 modes in EKS:

  • EC2
  • Fargate

They can coexist in EKS.

Also we can only fargate only. When we deploy plugins to the cluster, It will be deployed to the control panel. (hidden from user)

How to use fargate in EKS:>

How to use fargate in EKS: #

  • create a fargate profile which is associated with a namespace
  • deploy yml to that namespace
Pros and Con of fargate>

Pros and Con of fargate #

can be scaled up quickly>
can be scaled up quickly #
  • it is a micro vm as similar as pod
  • one fargate instance per pod
lower cost of fargate>

lower cost of fargate #

  • Fargate will be cheaper in some situations.
  • no need to rent large ec2 instance. it is good if you are doing batch jobs with EKS
  • no need to maintain the ec2 instance (patch it, upgrade the kubelet)
not well integrate with other AWS services>

not well integrate with other AWS services #

like efs?…need to further study on it.


Day3 #


Tasks #

Alternative of argo>

Alternative of argo #