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Hugo’s IT journal Hugo's IT journal

Blockchain use cases

use-case blockchain hyperledger
Trust Over IP: Hyperledger Ursa, Indy, and Aires>

Trust Over IP: Hyperledger Ursa, Indy, and Aires #


Notes #

  • prove the credential without CA
  • trusted issuer (eg: gov) issues the identity token (eg: driving licence) -> send it to a crypto account (like sending btc to someone)
  • on the blockchain, it shows a record that the account owns that licence. (like you can check your btc balance / NFS on chain explorer)
  • anyone can request that you own that account (like an approval transaction from dapp). You can decide to share your data to what extent
  • send the data to requester and it can be verified as it is signed by issuer
  • blockchain is used to prove the ownership of your identities
  • data can be stored off chain, sign it and verify with issuer’s account
  • hacking personal accounts become useless -> not cost effective, you can hack a single person each time
  • stealing / leading personal data is useless -> no proof, no one will accept

Example #

british columbia

Comprehensive review of 21 use cases of Hyperledger>

Comprehensive review of 21 use cases of Hyperledger #

Use cases (some are still in proof of concept)>

Use cases (some are still in proof of concept) #

  1. end to end tracking (supply chain, different parties can participate eg: bank insurance company consultant retail…) 2.identity management - eg: allow 3rd parties to access your data with requests, prevent fraud, credit checking, hash your passport/fingerprint so you can verify it is your identity
  2. contract automation- like promotion in company (HR), consultant contract
  3. voting
  4. tokenisations - cross parties reward program(asiamiles), assets management (use in trading, convert different kinds of assets like house stock cash to token)
  5. immutable record- law enforcement investigation, accounting, credit check, insurance claim, medical history, law…
Hyperledger Fabric Business Use Cases>

Hyperledger Fabric Business Use Cases #

IBM food trust>

IBM food trust #

  • safety
  • sustainability
  • cost optimization (inventory / transportation )
  • tracking
Tradelens -> (supply chain for trading)>

Tradelens -> (supply chain for trading) #

  • costs 1.8T / year -> potential saving ~10% costs
IBM blockchain world wire>

IBM blockchain world wire #

  • world wire solution with blockchain
  • use stellar protocol
Singapore Exchange: Clearing Financial Transactions on Amazon Managed Blockchain>

Singapore Exchange: Clearing Financial Transactions on Amazon Managed Blockchain #

blockchain is used to handle the payment and settlement of securities

the method they used called DVP (delivery versus payment) = a way to ensure cash and securities can simultaneously exchange

client can be

  • buyer = buy securities with eth
  • seller = sell securities with eth

In the architecture,

  • hyperledger = securities
  • eth client = cash

Transaction will come across with both ledgers

arbitrator and observer with receive activities on chain

  • arbitrator = mediator = handle dispute
  • observer = regulator = do regulatory report
Pros with AWS Managed Blockchain>

Pros with AWS Managed Blockchain #

  • no need to build the ledger by themself
  • focus on the smart contract
  • a single blockchain network can effectively work across multiple parties
An Overview on Blockchain Services from AWS>

An Overview on Blockchain Services from AWS #

Pros of blockchain network>

Pros of blockchain network #

  • ledger database (immutable transaction)
  • consensus
  • decentralisation
  • smart contract
  • ease for audit
Hyperledger fabric VS ETH>

Hyperledger fabric VS ETH #

  • authentication
  • access control
  • easy to add user
  • easy to duel with settlement (bank)
  • faster than centialization
  • private ledger
use case>

use case #

  • trading
  • supply case
Enhanced Transparency and Frictionless Supply Chain with Blockchain>

Enhanced Transparency and Frictionless Supply Chain with Blockchain #

B2B Business

buy and sell order between Bottlers

  • visibility cross supply chain
  • reduce manual process and communicate between sellers and buyers
  • dispute resolution (smark contract) -> I think we can use TimeLock to do partial transaction
  • easy to scale
  • no need to build a different api for each system (mesh network n(n-1)/2)