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Brief Overview of Scan, Query, Select, and Filter of DyanmoDB

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DevOps Engineer based in London

Scan and Query:

  • Amazon DynamoDB has two operations for retrieving data: Scan and Query.
  • Scan retrieves all items in a table, making it inefficient for larger tables.
  • Query is designed to retrieve specific items based on their partition key values, allowing filtering of results.


  • The primary key consists of the partition key and the sort key (optional), which uniquely identify each item in a table.
  • While the primary key is essential, it may not always be sufficient for accessing data in the way needed.
  • Global Secondary Index (GSI) is a separate index with its partition key and sort key that can be used for querying on non-primary key attributes.
  • GSI can significantly reduce the number of items that need to be scanned and improve query speed.
  • Primary key has to be unique, but GSI can be duplicated.

Select and Filter:

  • Select and Filter expressions can also be used to specify attributes and conditions for retrieving data.
  • Query is generally recommended for specific and efficient data retrieval, especially when used with a GSI.
  • The choice of which operation to use depends on the specific use case and how data needs to be accessed and queried.