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AWS SA Professional

cert exam aws sa

api #

  • api gateway throttling limits
    1. aws throttling limit (region level)
    2. per account
    3. per-api per-stage (methods)
    4. per-client (usage plan)
  • three type of endpoint
    1. edge-optimized (default) - route to nearest cloudfront
    2. regional
    3. private
application discovery service>

application discovery service #


asg #


athena #

  • performance tunning
    1. partition data
    2. compression (glue)
    3. optimise the file size (aws glue)
    4. use columnar (apache orc, parquet with spark or hive on EMR)
    5. prevent select *
    6. use limit by ( guide for columnar)

billing #

  • cost allocation tags - tags will show in the cost & usage report
  • budget - create alert if cost exceed the budget
  • setup for cost analysis
    1. enable cost allocation tags in billing
    2. allow user access the billing
  • cost allocation tags => tags
    • user-define => user:XXXX
    • aws generated => aws:XXXX
  • cost explorer => ui for search and filtering
  • cost category => filter in cost explorer (saved filter)
  • cost budget => billing alarm with foretasted charged + filtering + linked account; billing alert => amount already be charged
  • billing alert include
    • recurring fee like premium support
    • ec2 instance-hours but exclude
    • one off fee
    • refund
    • forecast

cf #


cfn #


cloudhsm #


cloudtrail #

  • best practice to migrate to org trail
    1. create org trail in central account
      • create bucket for org (need to set bucket policy to allow member account to write to it)
      • enable cloudtrail feature in org
      • create org trail through cli
    2. move old trail data from member accounts to org trail bucket
    3. stop cloudtrail in member accounts and remove the old trail buckets

codecommit #

  • data protection
    • use macie => can help protecting data in s3

codedeploy #

  • need to connect to s3 and codedeploy endpoints

cw #

  • cw embedded metric format => can automatrically create metric from log
  • cw endpoints =>
    • monitoring.XXXX
    • no az
  • treats each unique combination of dimensions as a separate metric, even if the metrics have the same metric name
data pipeline>

data pipeline #

data sync>

data sync #


ddb #


eb #

  • can stop start eb environment with lambda at scheduled time
  • doesn’t support HTTPS_PROXY

ebs #

  • aws only recommend raid0
  • summary table for different volume types
  • gp2
    • range: 100-16k iops
    • baseline: base on volume (limited by burst credits)
    • provision: no
  • gp3
    • range: 3k-16k iops
    • baseline: consistent 3k iops
    • provision: 500iops/gb
  • io2, io1
    • range: 100-32k iops / 32k-64 iops (only available for nitro system )
    • provision: io1: 50iops/gb; io2: 500iops/gb
  • io2 block express
  • instance store - temporary block-level storage (physically attach to the host so not an network drive) ( support in specific instance type. it is free)
  • the i/o performance are limited by ec2 instance type. although you can use raid0 to increase iops but still have a max for that
  • queue length on ssd: 1/1000iops
  • default block size is 4kb
  • use case of each volume type
    • gp2, gp3 => boot, dev, test
    • io1, io2 => db
    • st1 (hdd) => large sequential workloads like data / log processing (EMR, ETL, data warehouse)
    • sc1 => save costs

ec2 #

  • use cases of dual home
    • separate the traffic by role (frontend, backend)
    • ha (move the eni to other instance)
    • security appliance reason
  • eni is binding to subnet
  • eni - when creating the eni, it inherits the public ipv4 address attribute from subnet

efs #

  • HA - regional replication => notice that it means multi az not multi regions
  • cross region backup
    • create 1st lambda to backup data from efs to s3 in region a; turn on cross-region replication in s3; create 2nd lambda to restore data from s3 > efs in region b
    • data sync
  • backup solution which does not work in cross region
    • data pipeline => the backup instance cannot mount 2 efs in different regions
    • efs-to-efs => same as data pipeline solution but implemented by lambda function only
    • aws backup => does not support cross region backup
  • dns name - (like cw. us-east-2)
  • efs can deliver sub or low single digit millisecond latencies with > 10gbps through and 500k iops
  • launching instance is limited by the number of vcpu running per account per region running

elasticache #


elb #


iam #


mTurk #

  • submit a request to mTurk. outsource manual tasks like taking survey, text recognition, data migration to public

opsworks #


org #

  • org features to enable
    • all
    • consolidated billing
  • scp is one of the aws organisation feature
    • default is allow all => can only use deny list only
    • use allow list => have to remove FullAWSAccess (the default allow all policy)

other #


rds #


route53 #


s3 #

  • access control to object c (account c) from request user a (account a) and s3 bucket (account b)
    1. check the iam role in account a
    2. check the bucket policy in account b
    3. check the object acl in object owner
  • event notification support object and bucket level but it will resend the notification and sometimes will delay so people use cloudwatch event instead
  • there is a check in trusted advisor for the check open access in s3 bucket but no remediation for that. to fix the bucket permission automatically and use lambda + cloudwatch event
  • cf cannot cache if the request is larger than 30gb. can use range request to chunk the large file into smaller object
  • requester pays don’t support 1. anonymous request 2. SOAP request
  • default 100, max 1000 in each account
  • genomics data processing use case
    1. sync data to s3 with data sync
    2. use s3 for data storage
    3. use storage gateway (on-premise access) / fsx (ec2 access)
  • s3 encryption - only support symmetric keys
  • when downloading encrypted s3 object, have to download the encrypted object along with a cipher blob version of the data key. client send the cipher blob to kms to get the plaintext version of data key to decrypt the object
  • reduced redundancy is one of the storage class in s3 but not recommend bylaws - may have a chance to lose the object
secret manager>

secret manager #

  • set RotationSchedule to schedule an auto rotation (to run a custom lambda) the rds password

snowball #

  • tips to increase performance
    • batch small file
    • multiple copy operations at one time (2 terminals 2 cp command)
    • connect to multiple workstation (1 snowball can connect to multiple workstation)
  • step for using snowball
    1. start the snowball
    2. setup workstation by download ova image and import to the vmware
    3. use cp command (something like aws s3api cp) to copy file to snowball
    4. can upload through gui / command line
    5. send the device back to aws. they will import your data to s3
  • take at least 1 weeks

sso #

  • permission sets - 1 permission set has multiple iam policies => associate to user / group
  • sso
    • ad (identity provider) -> aws sso -> application (github, dropbox) / aws accounts
    • sources of identity provider
      • aws sso
      • ad connector
      • aws managed ad
      • external ad (two way trust)
    • server -> client
    • server = adfs
      • create an app
      • config app sign-in and sign-out url
    • client = integrated website
      • trusted idp
      • config idP’s sign-in and sign-out url + cert
    • user login with ad’s app endpoint => ad post data to app’s sign-in url => app receive and decrypt the data from ad and give permission to user
    • aws iam federation => single account only
storage gateway>

storage gateway #

  • need to download ova and import the vm to create a endpoint to bridge on-premise and aws
  • storage gateway type
    • volume => mount as a disk (iSCSI) => s3 => ebs
      • cached => save some frequently used data to vm
      • stored => completely on s3
    • file => smb / nfs
    • tape => tape backup software

support #


swf #


vpc #


worksplace #

  • use connection aliases for cross-region workspaces redirection
    • create connection alias
    • share to other account
    • associate with directories in each region
    • setup route53 for failover
    • setup connection string
  • maintenance - support regular maintenance windows (eg 15:00-16:00) or manual maintenance but cannot set something like patching on tue 3:00
  • workspaces application manager - package manager to help installing software
  • workspaces support Windows 10 desktop but no Windows server