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Note for CKA Exam

cert exam cka k8s
DevOps Engineer in London
Table of Contents

Things to turn off before exam

Bandwidth saving

  • google drive sync
  • any backgorund updates
  • wifi connection in other devices

Prevent from autoupdate

  • software update (mbp, iphone)


  • firewall
  • disable all chrome plugins

backup plan

  • sim card - two extra network: EE, giffgaff
  • spare computer (MBP)


When use wc -> be careful the header, need total - 1

Store temporary commands / note / result in a fixed location like /root/tmp

Even in remote host; we use that fixed location to store our results then get back the result from it

remote$ cat tmp
remote$ exit
remote$ exit
local$ ssh remote cat tmp

Do not use tmux

hard to copy and paste and scroll

One question one yml

Name with q<no>.yml like q10.yml is the yml of 10th question

Write all resources on same yml in same question

Set .vimrc

set sw=2 ts=2 et
set hidden

Use alias

export do='--dry-run=client -o yaml'
export now='--sort-by="{.metadata.creationTimestamp}"'

Use variable in command


Then you will find that we can reuse many command history. like

Create po yml

k run -n $n $nn --image $i $do

Get po

k get po $nn -n $n

Test service account

k auth can-i --as=system:serviceaccount:$n:$nn

When working on next question, start a new vim (kill the old session)

Keep a single vim session in bash

  • back and fore from vim and bash many times is needed
  • using multiple vim session are so confusing
  • that also why working on single yaml per question is encouraged

Create (touch /opt/xxxxx/q11/answer) the answer file first

  • needed to submit anser to specfic file
  • just touch the file -> open it with vim -> put it in background (c-z)