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Network ACL in Containers for Virtual Networking Labs

docker virtual-networking acl

To set up a virtual networking lab on docker, I need to have the right to modify the network interface.

One way to achieve this is by running a Docker container with the --cap-add=NET_ADMIN flag, which grants the container the ability to configure network interfaces.

Additionally, adding --net=host flag to allow the container allow me to access the host network.

docker run -it --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --net=host alpine

Granting the NET_ADMIN capability and using the --net=host flag can be potentially dangerous because it allows a container to modify the network configuration of the host system.

However, in a playground or testing environment, these capabilities can be useful for experimenting with different network configurations and scenarios.

It’s important to exercise caution and not use these capabilities in a production environment where security is a top priority.