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Understanding Prometheus - Metrics, Data Types, and Querying

monitor prometheus

An example of Prometheus data:

http_request_total{method="GET", endpoint="/contact-us", status="200"} 1 2 3 4 5 
http_request_total{method="POST", endpoint="/auth", status="400"} 1 6 8 10 15
Key Concepts>

Key Concepts #

  • Metric: Quantity measurement (e.g.: http_request_total)
  • Metric label: Metadata for the measurement (e.g.: method="GET")
  • Sample: Data point at a certain time (e.g.: 5) - float64
  • Series: Unique combination of metric labels (e.g.: http_request_total{method="GET", endpoint="/contact-us", status="200"} and http_request_total{method="POST", endpoint="/auth", status="400"})
  • Time series: Samples over time (e.g.: 1 2 3 4 5)
Data Types>

Data Types #

  • Instant vector: http_request_total{method="GET"}
  • Range vector: http_request_total{method="GET"}[5m]
  • Scalar: numbers
Metric Types>

Metric Types #

Prometheus supports four metric types:

  1. Gauge: Values can go up and down (e.g.: logged_users)
  2. Counter: Values can only increase (e.g.: http_request_total)
  3. Histogram: Provides <metric_name>_bucket, <metric_name>_sum, <metric_name>_count. Use histogram_quantile() for server-side quantile calculation (e.g.: http_request_duration_seconds)
  4. Summary: Similar to Histogram, but quantiles are calculated client-side (application). Thus, it cannot be further aggregated.

promql #

Operator Precedence>

Operator Precedence #

Prometheus supports a range of binary operators with different precedence levels. From highest to lowest precedence:

  1. ^
  2. *, /, %, atan2
  3. +, -
  4. ==, !=, <=, <, >=, >
  5. and, unless
  6. or



Modifiers #

  • @ 1609746000 - pretend the query time is 1609746000
  • offset 5m - pretend the query time is 5 minutes ago

Have to use right after the select (before any function call)

Vector Matching>

Vector Matching #

  • Vector scalar:

    • Example: http_request_total / 2
  • Vector Vector:

    • Types of matching:
      • One-to-One
      • One-to-Many
      • Many-to-One
    • Matches vectors using labels by default
    • Customize matching key with ignore() or in()
    • Use group_right() or group_left() for many side
    • Use group_left(labels) to bring labels from one to many side


method_code:http_errors:rate5m{method="get", code="500"}  24
method_code:http_errors:rate5m{method="get", code="404"}  30
method_code:http_errors:rate5m{method="put", code="501"}  3
method_code:http_errors:rate5m{method="post", code="500"} 6
method_code:http_errors:rate5m{method="post", code="404"} 21

method:http_requests:rate5m{method="get", foo="bar"}  600
method:http_requests:rate5m{method="del", foo="bar1"}  34
method:http_requests:rate5m{method="post", foo="bar2"} 12
method_code:http_errors:rate5m{code="500"} / ignoring(code) group_left(foo) method:http_requests:rate5m
{method="get", code="500", foo="bar"} 0.04 
{method="get", code="404", foo="bar"} 0.05 
{method="post", code="500", foo="bar2"} 0.05 
{method="post", code="404", foo="bar2"} 0.175

If no group_left(foo), foo=”bar” will gone


Common Prometheus Functions>

Common Prometheus Functions #

  • changes(): Number of changes over time
  • time(): Current timestamp
  • timestamp(): Timestamp of the sample
  • Derivative and Rate:
    • deriv(): gauge;
    • rate(), irate(): counter
  • Delta and Increase:
    • delta(), idelta(): gauge
    • increase(): counter
  • irate() vs rate():
    • irate(): (last - first datapoint)/time range
    • rate(): (projected end - start time datapoint)/time range
  • Aggregration:
    • <aggregation>: sum, count, max, min, avg, etc: Aggregates across dimensions (group by labels)
    • <aggregation>_over_time(): Aggregates across time (group by time)




{} 9


{method="GET", endpoint="/contact-us", status="200"} 10 # 1+2+3+4+5
{method="POST", endpoint="/auth", status="400"} 25 #1+6+8+10+15


Prometheus Client Library Usage>

Prometheus Client Library Usage #

  1. Instrumentation
  2. Writing exporters
  3. Pushing metrics to Pushgateway

Gist reference


Storage #

  • Not recommended to use NFS for storage: reference for storage
Agent Mode>

Agent Mode #

  • Disables query, alert, and recording rule functions
  • Scrapes metrics from target and remotely writes to other instances
  • Reference
Service Discovery>

Service Discovery #

  1. Static: Define target servers in the config file
  2. *_sd_config: Use built-in configurations (e.g.: EC2, Kubernetes, file)
  3. Custom: Use file_sd_config. Update the file periodically.

Each scrape config can have:

  • interval
  • timeout
  • proxy
  • metrics_path

Relabeling #

  1. relabel_configs: Modify scrape parameters before scraping (e.g.: Blackbox exporter)
  2. metrics_relabel_configs: Modify data collected after scraping (e.g.: remove unwanted metrics)
Alerting in Prometheus>

Alerting in Prometheus #

  • Evaluates rules, fires alerts, routes to destination
  • Does not handle notifications
  • Routes by matching rules with labels
  • Labels: alert identity
  • Annotations: longer-form description
  • Annotations support templating with go lang syntax
  • Reference labels in annotations can be done by {{ $ }}

Alertmanager #

Silencing alerts use cases:

  • Provisioning new servers
  • Decommissioning servers
  • Maintenance


  • Stop a group of alerts when another alert is triggered
  • Example: Cluster down alert inhibits memory or disk check alerts